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growing forest trees in a useful plants or food garden project

by caroline
(cape town)

Gondwana fruit mucilage

Gondwana fruit mucilage

One of our great forest trees, the Knysna Yellowwood, could be used in many ways: to stabilize soil, provide shade, be harvested for massive timber, fine branches (the sprouts after cutting) for making utensils, drawing charcoal, kindling. The bark can be used for tanning and a way could be found to extract the copious sugar from the fruit without the acrid bitter terpene, or breed low terpene varieties.

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Jul 18, 2017
Terpenes and sugar
by: Caroline

How about natural turpentine extraction ? Most other species from around the world are used in a multitude of medicines to treat fevers, coughs, arthritis, STD's, canine distemper, and Leukemia, and their fruit are used to make jams and jellies.

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