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Tableview urban farmer's co outdoor event

A green event called the Tableview Urban Farmer’s Co (TUFCO) gathering was held this Monday last, a public holiday, the 21st of March, Human Rights Day.

It was held on the open space under large trees between Lark and Wader Crescents, in Tableview of course. The two roads are at one end of a very large undulating grassy area. The day was fine to windy and hot, and I believe it was the first ‘TUFCO gathering’, but these events should run from now on, on a monthly basis.

the tufco gathering, permaculture comes to in tableviewthe tufco gathering, permaculture comes to in tableview

The next event is a tree planting in which a labyrinth will be planted, as part of the Study Street Food Forest Project.

The dramatis personae were dressed appropriately in dark green. The main protagonist, the organizer of TUFCO is the kind and energy filled Yvandro Reynolds. For a first event it was really well organized, informative and worthwhile attending. There was a nice friendly atmosphere, and I met a lot of really interesting green enthusiasts. Even the very scrumptious wraps with coriander and bean curry were served in recyclable cellulose with recyclable cellulose forks and the waste was collected for composting. The organizers have some great networks and access to knowledge on organic gardening and I look forward to learning more from them in the future.

the urban farmer and permaculturist, Yvandro reynoldsthe urban farmer and permaculturist, Yvandro reynolds

urban farmers in tableview
and in goodwood ? day 

The gatherings are intended to create awareness and encourage participation in the Study Street Food Forest project. This idea based on permaculture principles, is part of the urban vegetable farming project, which is an absolutely wonderful project. TUFCO have a demonstration organic vegetable garden in the Table View police station’s courtyard, and are hoping for a permit to grow vegetables on some of the huge undulating grassy space near the area where the gathering was held. 

The Table View Urban Farmer's Collective has a facebook page with photographs of their project and more information, so please visit their facebook page and enjoy.

I hope to find collaborators to work on a similar project to start an urban farm for organic food in Goodwood one day. Goodwood, which was once a market garden for Cape Town, is now sorely in need of a source of organic vegetables, as well as green activism. The city of Cape Town incorporates urban farming into its urban planning. 

learning about permaculture and how to grow vegetables

The TUFCO gathering was partly an educational event, on everything you need to know to grow vegetables. There were talks by various attendees relating to organic gardening, and demonstration plantings. There was also a very pleasant outdoor market in the shade of some old poplars and gums, with stalls most of which were promoting green ideas, or selling green organic products, including plants, fresh produce, organic seeds, organic food, clothing, jewellery and recycling services. There is a holistic / wellbeing section, a food and beverages zone, a kid's zone, a stage area and a place where the labyrinth will be planted. The event had very easy parking, security, and had the relaxed holiday atmosphere of a Sunday picnic, with added value ! At present I was not required to pay to have a stall there. 

While I was there I was able to learn from urban farming experts on growing vegetables, and I listened to the fascinating presentations by two permaculture consultants. Karen Parkin spoke on seed collecting, and Marcé du Toit on making fast hot compost, and I myself was less fascinating, and spoke on vermi-culture briefly as I wasn’t really prepared. I had the chance to gather further information on a recycling service, a small business, operating in the area, which I found very interesting and encouraging in terms of startups and green job creation, and there will be pages about the permaculture experts as well as the recycling business, and the presentations. 



home page for more links to different green ideas


eco cities and green spaces


Karen Parkin on permaculture and seed collection


Marce du Toit on making 21 day hot compost


D & T's local recycling service

Restore Nature Newsletter 

I've been writing for four years now and I would love to hear from you

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or stories to share on gardening, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, food forests, natural gardening, do nothing gardening, observations about pests and diseases, foraging, dealing with and using weeds constructively, composting and going offgrid.

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