i bought some today

by Zahir
(Cape Town)

hi, i bought a few of them recently at cape garden centre (40 bucks a pop though i bought the smallest sized ones).

i live like two postcodes away from you so i'm hoping the soil in my yard will work for this shrub.

oh and the neat thing about where i bought them from was in the shop area they are kept, many fruits had fallen to the ground and while they had dried out in the pots of olives and other trees i collected a few of them so now i'm going to try my hand at growing them from seed too.

dip your cuttings in honey, water with diluted asprin water or get that kelp iquid growth hormone stuff (kelpak) they sell at checkers if you want your cuttings to take off.

great article, cheers

hey weird, this is supposed to be about the kei apples and i thought i added a comment. anyway jsut some info for you did not mean for it to be a contribution, not meant to be a contribution. (maven681@gmail.com)

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Mar 21, 2021
Fruitful times ahead !
by: Caroline

Dear Zahir
Thank you for your positive contribution ! From all the information I have, germination is good. PLEASE let us know and post a photo of your seedlings ! It encourages other people. We share on food growing, from trees to annual vegetables regularly on facebook (urban mini-forest).
I have just gathered fruit in a road reserve on the N1 and made a chutney. It was loosely based on a description by Loubie Rusch (facebook MakingKOS)who is a great cook and always pushing the boundaries of indigenous ingredients. Anyway, the chutney contained butternut, onion, kei apple and some simple spices. I'll make a note here when I post the recipe. It is mouth puckeringly sour, and absolutely fabulous.
I'm encouraged by your enthusiasm. Lets keep it going. we're talking about having a cook up or mini Kei apple festival next year.

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